I want this episode to serve as a pattern interrupt for you—because that’s exactly what we’re getting into. The deeply embedded patterns that keep us stuck in cycles, old narratives, circumstances, situations, stories, etc that we have long outgrown. Today we’re going to break down what these patterns are (once we stop giving our power away to them). I’m going to be sharing a real life example of one of my deepest patterns I thought I’d never be able to break free from, how I started to see it in a new light, take my power back and recreate a completely different story and experience on the other side. There’s a process I’m sharing that is so foundational and simple yet not lacking on the power. If you put it into play today, you’ll not only stat to see things rearranging themselves on the outside, but the feeeeeling you’ll get on the inside will be enough to set waves of change into motion in any area of your life or business.


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