Today I’m deep diving with my beautiful guest, Stephanie Cabey. Stephanie has been an operations manager in the coaching industry since 2018 helping with the back-end systems and processes and has recently come out from behind-the-scenes to teach about what she’s learned. Our conversation today is going to support those of you who have or are currently building an online business that’s an extension of your heart, soul and gifts.
  Some of what we dive into:

How to start connecting to the soul of our business.

How force and over-efforting in our business is the opposite of what we’re being called to do right now–and how to lean back into alignment.

Dismantling the beliefs around what it takes to be successful in this space and what success even means for us.

Getting swept up in the noise of what we “should” be doing and how we’re told we “should” be doing it.

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  Stephanie Cabey’s journey into the world of personal development business support has been a culmination of over a decade of office management experience woven with a pursuit to be the most heart-led version of herself, endlessly devoted to contributing to a more compassionate planet.

Her mission is to create a new archetype of support by shifting any limiting beliefs that prevent CEOs from receiving the help they deserve through giving her clients the bespoke containment to thrive as she allows them to discover their own unique path of entrepreneurship. She embodies her life’s work effortlessly, as that of a holy woman, all feminine, all powerful. Every corner of her clients’ businesses that she touches is an extension of who she is, poised, refined, and supremely loving. She stands elegantly on the belief that structure is sacred and, with it, one can elevate into their zone of genius and allow every single drop of their creative gifts to be delivered in its highest potency.

You can connect with her on Instagram @stephanie_cabey
  I would also love to include a link to Diving Into Your Creative Waters if possible: