I want to have a conversation with you today around beliefs: How to strengthen the belief within yourself; within what’s possible for you, your business, your vision AND within what you’re capable of creating in this life. As you know by now a lot of the work we see inside of the personal and spiritual development world is around shifting our (usually limited) beliefs. 

We hear things like: Believe it and you can achieve it. You have to believe it to see it. All you have to do is believe!

Okay cool. Got it. Makes for a very inspiring IG moment but what about the moments when believing in ourselves and out vision is the last thing that feels true?

What about the moments when our beliefs seem to only support our past and all of thing we are trying to undo?

What about the women who didn’t come up in a house hold where “believe in yourself” was a part of the norm?

THIS, my loves, changes the conversation and I want to add some depth here with you today.

I want to support you in strengthening the belief in yourself and what’s possible for you not by giving you a list of affirmations or journal prompts but speaking to the part of you who has maybe never felt good enough but who KNOWS deep down she’s capable of so much more.


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