Today we’re talking desires… But not in the way you’re probably used to seeing online these days. I’m not going to be telling you how worthy you are of your desires. I’m not giving you more feminine embodiment practices on how to be a better receiver. And I’m definitely not going to give you a bunch of fluff on how if you just believe you’re worthy of your desires EVERYTHING will start popping “out of the vortex” for you.


Is there a time and place for all of this? Sure. But it’s not going down inside of this conversation. I want to go deeper. I want the topic and the idea of receiving and being worthy of your desires to take on a much more grounded, practical meaning.


This isn’t the typical AWP episode where I’m sharing the lessons and the breakthroughs after being on the other side. I’m sharing this in real time so you can get a glimpse of the human underneath and truly feeeeel me on a soul level. Because, babe, we’re no different. I know in my heart there’s something inside of this conversation you’re meant to hear. Maybe it’s a perspective shift. Maybe it’s a level of curiosity or questioning you’re going to start meeting life with. Maybe you just gain a deeper connection with me—whatever it is, you’re meant to be here. 


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