This episode dives into the importance of creating more structure, systems and strategy in your business. And listen—I get it. This isn’t exactly the sexy side of why we got into this work but what if you could find a love for it?


I’m someone who used to resist structure at all costs. Anything strategy I was like “Nooooo I just want to create and be freeeee!” But what I found is that there was a way for me to implement these things that didn’t feel draining or ridged. I also found that creating a solid foundation actually set me up to allow for more freedom, flow, creativity and oddly enough—confidence (we’ll dive into this in the episode!).


Today I’m walking you through one of the most simple and basic ways I started to create more structure in both my life and my business as well as taking you on a little soul journey to hopefully stop resisting what your business could really benefit from right now. Cool? Let’s get it.


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