This episode is for those of you looking around at the people who look like they have their entire year figured out. You know the ones…high vibe, clear, taking massive action and full of energy. Meanwhile you’re struggling to come up with you “word of the year.” You know you should feel more excited and have more direction for the coming year but you feel more blocked than anything. Annnnnd the narrative of “I should have it figured out. “I should be doing more…” is going on STRONG.


Babe, we’re not gong there this year. Right here and right now we’re going to shift this before it goes any further. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you’re not feeling the high vibe, New Year hype. Today this is what we’re diving into. I’m going to be speaking to what you might be feeling, the collective energy surrounding us, what you can do to pull yourself out and how to start honoring the cycle you’re in so you can prove forward once the thing feels right.


Happy New Year, gorgeous! Let's get it.


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