Here we are, sitting at the end of another year. As time would have it, we’re seeing so many messages that lie on both sides of the spectrum… One, gearing up for the New Year, goal setting, planning for 2023, creating new visions, etc. and then there’s the other side that’s all about reflection, slowing down, leaning back, and closing chapters. Buuuut there’s not a whole lot of talk about what happens, as powerful women, if we’re looking back over the year and we’re not as far along as we thought we would be. Where are the conversations about being in a place where we didn’t hit our big goal or where we set forth to bring something to life and we’re nowhere near where we thought we’d be? Love, this is one of those conversations. Because despite what you see online, this happens. It’s actually a normal part of growth and evolution and I want to normalize it, support you through and shed a light on exactly what you’re meant to see.


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