We show up every morning and write in our journal how much we want the freedom, the business, success, quantum leap, deeper states of love, bliss and inner peace. We think throughout the day how we want more, how we’re ready for that next juicy thing. We pray about it, visualize it and even talk about how badly we want it to come in. And yet… Our level of commitment, who we BE and what we choose stay the same. My loves, a powerful vision requires powerful, BOLD moves. It requires an internal shift within us that says:


This is what I’m declare and I will accept nothing less. 

This is what I choose. 

This is what I’m worthy of. 

THIS is my new standard.


It’s from this place that universe feeeeeels your conviction and starts to rearrange things in your favor. This kind of decision, ahem—power move—is what begins to pave the path for next steps, opportunities and the aligned action that will move you closer towards your dreams AND towards the woman you truly are.


Power moves is what we’re getting into today, loves. Let’s GO. xo


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