Some discoveries as a child…

Mom and Dad have lives outside of my life (even a romantic life! - shiver!!)Certain mythical creatures are indeed mythicalBoys and girls are differentWhere our burger really comes fromThe Submarines at Disneyland don’t really diveThe answers are in the back of the book!Once they knew that WE knew, that’s when they assigned just the ODD numbers! Grrr.

The Bible is like that. A lot of the preliminary stuff - things you read in the OT, they have their fulfillment towards the back of the book. ETC.

The same is true in the book of Psalms. (Doesn't matter what the tone is - good, bad, imprecatory, etc) - all have the same end. ETC.

Today we’re going to the back of the book to see that answer, so turn with me to Psalm 150 - the very last Psalm in our Bibles - and let’s read it.