We are in Simon’s house. We are in Simon the Pharisee’s house. We are in Simon the Pharisee’s house in Galilee.

Implication: the house of a wealthy, prestigious man living in the luscious, green, mountains land of Galilee. This guy is well-off in every aspect in that culture - financially, socially, even religiously. A man who definitely was living the blessed life. A man who seems to have it all together.

And Jesus is there, reclining at the table, sitting among the religious elite - the teachers of the law, a fine dining experience. Elegance, posh, comfort. He has accepted the invitation of Simon. Simon was a good guy. A respectable guy - no reason why Jesus would shun him or decline the invitation.

Everything was just right. Perfectly representing the respectability of Simon the Pharisee.

And then SHE comes in.