"Hope can bring to light a lot of things that you have deep inside you. If you can keep that hope alive and feed it daily with something wonderful, you will find out that your avenues for growth are huge and available to you all over the place." -Marie White


“You’re on mute.” -We hear that often on our zoom meetings. But today, we will talk about being “mute” in the business setting. In order to survive, we let our society force us to conform to a norm, which does not fully resonate with us. Many have muted their own story- the very reason they started their business- in order to survive. In this episode, Kim and author Marie White discuss why you should share your voice, and how you can keep sharing it in this modern world. Also, listen to tips and information you can use to protect yourself, your business, and your network even if the web decides to “de-platform” you. The call to go back to real conversations has never been more urgent. Find your voice and move forward with hope with today’s conversation. 

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01:54 Keep the Hope

04:33 On Mute

08:09 Platform Troubles

16:07 Be Careful What You Google

20:16 Back to Conversations

26:22 Protect Yourself

28:19 Be Comfortable with Sharing Your Voice  

33:33 What Hope Can Bring 

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