“Take control of your infertility struggles. Infertility should not own you. You do not have to be a victim of your infertility.”

Battling her own 11 long and trying years of infertility has allowed Pradeepa to find her purpose in life: to help men, women, and couples get through their infertility and make it suck less. Join Kim as Pradeepa shares her agonizing battle with infertility, the light at the end of the tunnel for her and her husband, and how she is able to help so many others with their own battles of infertility.

Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp484



00:57 11 years in the making

05:50 Unexpected shame and jealousy

09:19 Fertility is financially draining as well as physically and emotionally

17:42 Intimacy becomes mechanical and less…intimate

26:28 Her purpose in life

36:26 Take control of your infertility struggles