“Remember that you are worthy. You are worthy to have, you are worthy to be, you are worthy to do whatever you want in your life. And to remember love YOU first.”

Kim Trosper, who is a Corporate Trainer and Empowerment Coach, was told when she was young that children were to be seen but not heard and that she was selfish; this stuck with her. In her 20’s she volunteered, worked with homeless, and became a foster parent. Eventually she adopted two children and had one biological child. Kim shares that after many years filled with major challenges, due to the mental health of one of her adoptive children, she had to make a very difficult decision. Listen in as Kim Trosper opens up to Kim about her incredible journey, how her work transitioned into coaching, and how she was deemed “Queen of Stinkin Thinkin”.

Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp476


01:00 Labeled as “selfish”

04:35 “You can’t give from an empty cup”

9:00 Working with a major challenge

16:31 Life after the big decision

21:58 The art of speaking up

24:57  Queen of Stinkin Thinkin

28:21 Affirming the positive is better

34:22 Teach your children about self-care and to be easy on yourself