4M IMMIGRANTS, WHAT IS NEXT? The path for the future. #immigrants #mexico #crises
So welcome to another episode of yo soy. We are out of Mexico City. And we talk about what's happening in Mexico and what's happening in the United States for Mexicans. I choose to use Mexicans as my demographic. I am Mexican as well as I choose to use Mexican because there are 70 plus million of us in the United States.

And also, there are 120 million of us in Mexico. So there are a lot of us, and my goal is to teach and make sure we understand the power we have as Mexicans to make the change on both sides of the border, which are the United States and Mexico as Mexican. So here I go today; I wanna talk about immigration, illegal immigration.

I want to talk about the impact it has on the United States and what it's doing to Mexico. As far as my perspective, I work in Dallas, Texas. So I have to travel through McMillan, Texas, many times to make a connecting flight or if I want to take a bus to Dallas from Mexico. When I do this, I'm often amazed by how often I arrive at seven o'clock in the morning and can't get off that bus.Or at least I can say I can't get on a bus until two o'clock the following day. Why? Because I'm seeing shiploads of immigrants coming from the Catholic diocese center, across the street from the Greyhound in the Callen. And they're walking across every time a new bus shows up to go to Dallas or another city.

So when I do this, I'm always amazed, as an American and Mexican citizen, that I'm being pushed to the side to get transport services by our government. They're not shipping them to. Dallas or Austin? No, by any means, because the buses they have on 'em are often tagged cities like Oklahoma, Phoenix, Tucson, Seattle, Portland, Florida, and many other cities.And you have to ask yourself, how is the government giving money to this Catholic church to pass people to another part of the country? It's like an old machine, though. I sit there, and I watch every day, people come in speaking Spanish to these individuals and then giving them lunches, having them sign a piece of paper, and then giving them some other things inside of the envelope.

Every one of these individuals has a phone. That's another fascinating thing. How can they have phones? So when you see the system happening, it's pretty shocking. I recently heard Venezuela is emptying its prisons and setting all their individuals from Venezuela that were in prison into the United States, another travesty amongst the American people.But I wanna talk about Mexico. I had been a Mexican citizen. I just found out that my grandmother came from Mexico. And she went through this same border that I've been taking this bus on to come to the United States when she was 17 years old, turns out she was a dreamer. We never knew that my grandmother was a dreamer at the time, which was in 1928.

She came. To become a citizen or try to become a citizen. So after many years, she had a whole family. We have a very big family. She had, she was married, and she had a large family. She established herself by working in the fields and as a house cleaner in various cities in silver city, New Mexico, and then in Phoenix, Arizona when I was.

I have to tell you that I know this story very well because I used to go to my mom's and my grandma's house. And then she would take me to work because I was at green goal. I was at green goal. I was a white guy, and so she would take me. So when she cleaned the house, I could play with the doctors and children.

And I would go there, and I would watch her clean, and then I would go play with the other kids, the little white kids, like I was Okay. And so I enjoyed it. I didn't know Spanish very much. My mom didn't know, and my grandmother didn't know very much English, but we could communicate as a grandmother and a FA as a mother and my son.

Now I say all this because this is very important to understand. I believe in immigrants. I believe that if you look at the total number of immigrants and poor people in the world, our 1 million before this last year happened, that we allowed into the country. We allowed 1 million every year.That will million is now turned to 4 million in one year, one year. And you have to think about how what kind of impact that Hass. I don't think a lot of those individuals are coming from Argentina, Venezuela from other parts of the world. They mysteriously are getting across their continent, into our continent, coming up through Mexico and out.

Let's talk about the real problem, though. The real problem is the coordination between governments in Mexico. And between the United States and the handshake of money being passed to allow that to happen. You can't forget. This is not something that isn't a business. Transportation is always a business.

When Greyhound is giving all these tickets, it is a business. Okay. They're not doing it for free. I know because my chicken prices are rising, so they're not doing it for free. So they're truly all doing this to make. Greyhound is making a ton of money by transporting 4 million people throughout the United States, as well as airlines.

Think about that 4 million tribes; the average ticket maybe it's a hundred dollars. That's four one $400 million. Greyhound is made for the transport of illegal immigrants across the United States. Corporate America. Once again is making a bank. Okay. Now they say that the cartel is shifting across Mexico.

Maybe that's true in some hands; that's not better than tricking drugs, but isn't it fascinating? The two items that are making the cartel money are human trafficking for the United States, as well as selling drugs to the United. They are transporting the little guy to the United States, and the owner transports humans, as well as drugs, probably along the same transport lines.So when you think about how our government works, we think about how the Mexican government is working, and we can't stop to realize that it is the transportation of these people and products. The drugs are coming from China. The people come from south America and other continents. Through South America, money is being made.

Who's paying this money? You can't forget who is paying this money. That is the American people, the United States, people have been paying for this service sadly for many years. People kept saying that both Republicans and Democrats didn't wanna stop illegal immigration because they got cheap labor. That's not the way it works.

My friends, this has nothing to do with cheap labor. There's everything to do with the laws that allow this to happen. And the lawmakers creating this paradigm to occur, where they're allowing laws to not allow for change too. That's right. As a Mexican, I grew up wondering what was going on. Why can't we solve this problem?

Why does my family, some of them not illegal, not legal? How is it that they cannot be legal? The process has always toyed against them because when it comes down, it goes down to voting, voting, voting. As I said, Mexicans didn't have political power until 19 after the 1970s.Because they were counted in us census during my investigation luck before I knew where my grandmother came from, which was Mexico on the other side of Sonora, right above Mexico City. I was fascinated that she didn't show up in our census. Until 1940 in New Mexico. So what that means is that many people, many Mexicans, weren't showing up in our census.
And as I found out in history and reading the books, it wasn't until 1930 when they first started counting Chicago's, and then it wasn't again until 1970 when they continued counting Chicanos. So that means for 40 years, they kept it quiet. Which means we could not get political power. That means we didn't have the right representation in neighborhoods to get political power.We couldn't get housing. We couldn't get fair housing loans. We couldn't get, we couldn't get fair education loans. We always got little money. If anything, because our numbers didn't play. So this is what I'm saying. We have to do to make a change. We have to be smart. We have to go up there, and we have to vote and understand how to be the difference.

Not how to have hope. No, that's a line that Cesar Chavez first used in his 1984 Commonwealth speech in San Diego. And then Obama took it later and stole lucky, still everything else. The reality is that we have to have hope. We have to be the change again. Obama took it, used it, and Caesar Chavez wrote it.

Reality is very simple. Right now, we have a unique time in which Mexicans on Mexican on the United States side can apply for their citizenship and can. That means they can influence solving the corruption that we have in Mexico. That honestly is not as bad as the corruption in the United States.
The United States is pretty bad in Mexico. We still have hope and the ability to make something special happen. We do this by voting and making sure that we push out the politicians who are not suitable for Mexico, who don't care about the. Because see, the good thing about Mexico is those politicians have been in for quite a while.
We know who they are. For example, the mayors of Mexico City. She's been in office for five years before she was in the United States, but she's done nothing to help the youth of Mexico. She built a train station that just was redoing another train station that everybody used anyway, and didn't have a problem so she could give money to the Chinese who built the train.
Once again. Infrastructure that could have been used for education. So we could help the young Mexicans become more educated, make better decisions and elevate their lives. Now we all know Mexicans are hard workers. God knows my whole life. I remember I made a joke once, and I just stood up and I said, I told my mom about being in a gang bang, and I got a scar right here.Here's the scar right here. You can see the scar. I got to scar from a gang bang. And my mother says to me home, if you wanna get outta these projects, gang banging isn't the way to go. Because if you gang bang, you're gonna end up dead or you're gonna end up owing somebody else for your life.

As a Mexican, you must work three eight-hour daily shifts to get out of these projects. When she said to that meeting, I was blown. Was I doing that? I didn't realize I was doing that. I was living my life de local. I was teaching John to smoke weed. I was enjoying myself. And then I realized that day that she was right.

I can work my whole life and work in the kitchen and graduate from the Chinese kitchen, or I can get an education. I can change myself. I can look at all players and evaluate them, not emotionally subjectively. I can say you are a woman, but you have done nothing to help us Mexicans. So I cannot support you. You have been a man and a politician for 20 years and nothing to help us Mexicans.

So I cannot support it. You are a politician, you've been a politician in the United States for 20 years, and you are Mexican. I don't care if you're Latino at this point. And you're Mexican, and you've done nothing to help the Mexican, and you keep saying, why do I say the Mexican and not the. Because that Mexicans represent 80 to 70% of all Latinos in the United States.That means we have power, and it's time to take it. It's time to look at both sides of the wall, and it's time to let Mexico be to take away what Fox did and what slim did and what all the other prominent Mexican politicians have money in their pockets. It's time to tell them to step up or step to the side and go back into your condos in your villas in Paris or Hollywood, go to your Epstein's islands, and leave us alone.

Because it's time, the world is in. Flux it's in fast flux, and it's time.

I wanna thank you for joining me. This is yo soy. I hope to talk about more positive things and a better future, but it's time we work. Now, we have a field of lettuce. We have a roll of carrots. We have hundreds of trees. That the apples have to be picked, the grapes put into our basket so we can help the future of all our Mexican young people who are trapped by the lack of ability because corporate America hasn't given it to us because Mexicans, before us have sold us out because Latinos have jumped onto ours.

And taking power from us that we deserved because we had the numbers and worked fairly. If you don't stand up for who you are, then you will be nobody. Cuz those who stand up for you will lead you down a path that takes you off the hill's edge to yours. Because they don't care about your future.

You have to care. We have to, as an older generation, help the young understand how to have a vision and how to work for it. And that isn't how to pluck the grapes. Sure. We can do that. That isn't about how to build houses. Sure. We can do that, but we also teach them to examine political power.

Corruption and teach them how we do not be that. And we don't allow them to be our future Risa. This is your soy major Domo list.com. You can find our podcast information as well as any objects or hats that you wanna buy to support us and donate to us because we are here to try to make something. For Mexicans on both sides of the wall.
Yo Soy.