Hi. I want to welcome everybody to this episode of my Yo Soy podcast. You can find us everywhere on all podcasts and all platforms, and we want to ensure that if you go to our links, you can see where you can donate to our movement. I guess I was recently just. Hold on, let me turn off that thing. Sorry. I had some things.

It shouldn't be loaded in the background. Let me get rid of those.

I’m I I was recently just asked, what am I trying to do with my movement here at yo soy? I call it a movement only because I'm very concerned about Mexico's future and what's happening in the United. So if I had to pick a movement, the movement would be to bring back the strength of the Mexican voter, both in the United States and Mexico; Mexico has an inquisitive voting system.

Several years back, five presidents ago, it was stolen just like it was here in the United States. At five o'clock, four o'clock in the morning, the president mysteriously got voted in through illegal votes that everybody in the country had come to the knowledge that it was unlawful.

So in this vein, I am concerned about computers and computers, interjection and the voting system, and the magical way these computers create bad votes or votes through fuzzy logic. So with that being said, I talk about it in many other videos I've done talking about how this happens, and we're not going to talk about it today.

What we're going to talk about today is how we can make Mexicans on both sides of the United States, meaning north of the United States and south of the United States, and inside the United States be part of the voting process and make sure we get represented. As I said before, in 1970 wasn't until 1970 that Richard Nixon gave us the ability to vote as a Mexican body.

Unfortunately, in 1980, that was further decorated by the use of calling us Latinos. Now it's furthered by calling less Latin X. So here we have a constant breakdown where Latinos aren't being equally represented. In the government, because they're being split off amongst groups that, again, get divided even further in this case, Mexicans, which I believe are 90% of the total Latino voter population, are not getting equal representation.

Today. We have this big, phenomenal event. With illegal information going across the border, a wall and low wall, people were sent into Martha's vineyards. People were sent to Democrat states. I have a friend who's a liberal, and he says to me, you're ridiculous, Mike. And I said, wait a second. First, Florida is not a state that receives illegal aliens, except Cuba.

These guys came from Venezuela, not through the waters, but they were sent there. So I had to explain that I go to McAllen, Texas, a lot to go up to Dallas, where I do work, do some work, and have a project. So I saw that I could get into McAllen, Texas, at seven o'clock in the morning. Still, I could not even get a bus into Dallas until two o'clock, one o'clock in the morning, because of the float of migrants coming from the Catholic church services across the now I'm a humanitarian. I believe in the strength of humanitarianism, helping poor people and giving them new opportunities. Hey, that's what I do here in Mexico in Mexico City. But the reality is this. I also believe in the rule of law. So I don't find that situation very comfortable.

I’m I find it very uncomfortable. People talk about, oh, the reason why immigration hasn't happened over the last four or five us. President is because they want cheap labor. No, I do not believe that's why it hasn't happened. I think it hasn't happened because the laws have not given us the power to make a change.

What does that mean? That means the voting laws. It wasn't until 1970. As I said, Mexicans were people living in Mexico when it became the United States before the states.

I forget what they're called right now. Okay. They didn't quite state yet. New Mexico is a classic example. So what I'm getting at is that there were territories. So these states only became states in 1914, in 1911. I believe it is the two states, new Arizona and New Mexico, where my family came from.

So what that means is Mexicans were always in the United. Like I said before, when 19 seven in 1930, when there was an immigration survey done called the census, they stopped counting Mexicans and started calling us something else. At the time, they called us Chicanos; then, they started calling us nothing.

Okay. Because they didn't count us. It wasn't until 1970. Will that create an imbalance? A power for people living in those areas, meaning California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado, all those states were hugely Mexican by birth. They have been there since 18 hundred. So we have to remember how we got here and why we don't have the power to make a change.

It's through voting because voting determines the balance of power right now. We have an exciting time where Mexico has a leader for only two more years, only two more years because many liberals are trying to come in and take his place as globalists. We can't let that happen. What we have to do is we have to work hard and get the Mexicans in the United States to vote for Mexicans that are genuinely caring about the Mexican people.

The reason why they left in the first. The reason why a lot of Mexicans left is not to leave their people. They look for the greater opportunity because of the presidents in the past and where they said corrupt. Now corrupt is a big word because obviously, the United States is very corrupt right now.

So I'm not going to say that either one's better or the other. I'm going to say they're equal. The United States is more corrupt because they're lying about it. At least in Mexico, I was told once a friend said his family's part of the PRI party. He says you know how this works. I said, how does this work? How this works is once we get into power, and become senators and representatives in the government, then all of our family succeeds.

I said, what? Yes. Then we can hire each other and get money and make some money. And then next time it happens. When we get out of office, then boom, we get kicked out, and we hope we had enough money to survive and we have enough land or enough businesses, or we did well enough to go to the United.

Once again, that is the imbalance of power done to create power by the rich; that way, they propagate your poorness. The same reason I kept saying to myself, why is our current mayor building a train of all things? We need water in Mexico City. We need better transportation in the city. People from place to.

We need better infrastructure. So that new up-and-coming young people like my assistant, who's only 23 years old. Like he can move into a nice apartment and feel the power of upward mobility, but that's not what the government wants, but that's the same thing that happened in the United States.

So let's take a lesson from a bad. Okay, because when you start building infrastructure so much that you start using all the tax dollars and you take part of that tax dollars, and you're giving it to your family, friends to do infrastructure, to do projects, then you know what happens? 30% of it goes to the actual project expenses increase.

So what happens is the government is perpetuating its ability not to help the poor. I describe rather quickly, broadly. What's going on? So let's talk about how we can become part of the great movement that I see happening in Mexico. I don't care about the United States right now. The United States has its problems.

They have a leader, and there's a leader who's willing to help them. And it worked before. And maybe he'll come back in power, who knows, but the problem is the base is messed up in the United States from the judicial system, all the way to the presidential and how they get there and who gets.

We don't need that. In fact, to move even better. Let me take away this phone call to make that even better. The way we could move forward is by participating in what's being allowed us to do today. Sadly, the reason why the shine bombs in Mexico city don't want to have the education of the young increased is that then they will do what they tell them.

It wasn't that they didn't have the change because it's a busy restaurant. It's because they didn't know how to count the change. They didn't know how to use a calculator. It wasn't to like start talking to people, and they didn't know how to use the register to get change. Did I start realizing they didn't know how to give change?

Just from the hand, when I saw that, I said, wow, that's what they're doing with this vote. They don't want Mexicans to become more educated. They don't want the youth that is selling on the streets. I love those youth who are selling on the streets because it's exciting to see them do things with their hands and be active instead of worrying about crimes.

Instead of joining the drug cartel, instead of doing all the easy things, they're working hard for the day's work, then I start to realize. Ah, these elite class in Mexico they're doing this on purpose. They don't wanna improve their education. They don't want to raise the people in Mexico because if they do, they stand a chance to expose their lack of education.

Their lack of being able to make things right, their lack of caring for the future of Mexico and the young. Then I realize, ah, that's part of the game. Now that I understand it. What am I gonna do? What I'm gonna do as an educator is I'm gonna educate. I'm gonna help people understand how, if they want to participate, they can participate.

And this is my secret evil plan that I'm sharing with you that we all can do today. We don't have to wait till tomorrow. If you're a Mexican citizen, if you are a Mexican who lives in the United States and maybe went there illegally or got there illegally, or got your papers. If your father and mother were growing up in Mexico, if your grandmother, now I hear, was born in Mexico, you can vote and don't have to go back to Mexico.

You don't have to go back to Mexico. No, quite the opposite. Let me give you a classic example. When I got my Mexican citizenship, I did it in Los Angeles. The embassy gave me my citizenship. And then they said, do you want to vote? I said, sure. I want to vote. So they said, here's your card, what's your address?

We'll send this information to your current address; you can only vote from that area. I said, what? I can vote in Mexico in the United States. Heck yeah, I'm gonna do that. So what I did was I got it. I got my vote. My and I used it everywhere. I go as my ID and my ability to vote now. When I went to Mexico City, that was in an instant where my family was from.

So I had to switch my voter preference so I could vote, but more exciting than all of this. By doing this, we can now vote, even in the United States, if you're a Mexican citizen as a United States citizen. So now we can participate in improving the things that drove people away from Mexico into the United States and create opportunities for the Mexicans that are here, who are fighting to get to the next level.

Just like my young assistant. He's 23 years old. He's trapped. He's got an education. He doesn't have enough. He has so many things for him, but he's trapped. What should I do, Mike? Should I go to the United States? Should I go to another country outside of Mexico? What should I do? And I say, trust me, give me three years.

I want you to work hard. Listen to what I'm saying. Listen to my words. Look at how you can change your life and start acting on them. So we are the first step. We created a small business. I financed him so he could start building this business. That's him, it's not mine. It's him so we can learn and gain revenue, and he can start moving to his next one.

And his next one, and I said, I'm going to do this one first, the next one, we're gonna participate the next one's after that, let's see how it goes. And I'm gonna reach out to Mexicans in the United States. I'm gonna reach out to groups who wanna participate in making Mexico. Amazing because Mexico has. A lot of countries don't have it has hard workers and God-loving people.

It has resources that it hasn't been sold off to the highest dollar from another country. And right now, it has a president who cares for Mexico. Is he perfect? Heck no. How did you expect somebody to live through and run? As much as he could do to get to the presidency, he had to live with the corruption of all the presidents before.

Push it aside because he was maybe a little bit, not dog enough, not fight enough. That makes sense. Is he perfect? Heck no. Does he care? Yes, sir. And that's what matters. He cares about the Mexicans of Mexico. All of. He's not using Mexico as a launching pad. Go live in Spain to go live in Ireland, a beautiful home in Hollywood.

Now his son was in Texas, but that's a different story. So what I'm trying to say to you is that we have a great opportunity, and the way we do that is Votar. And we do that on both sides in the United States and Mexico. Of course, I'm gonna ask you to please participate and donate to my movement so I can make it a movement, make it a cause we have the little merch we're trying to sell, so the people can use that money to do more things.

We can travel more. We can see more of Mexico and relate to you about how we can make this fantastic. So that's my promise to you. I grew up in the United States in a poor Mexican family. We lived in the projects. We had to work for everything we had. My opportunities were not based in the United States. That killed me because I didn't have enough money to go further.

And to go further, I had to sell out certain things I wasn't willing to do. Yes. Hollywood asked me to sell out. Yes. They promised to open 20 stores for me if I participated in their actions. And I said, no, by no means, would I participate in such Tom Foolery, such consultations to people and to be an educator and to love family.

So I said, no, that's an important thing.

Thank you. Please donate to our cause. You can find that in my Snapchat, not Snapchat; I would just in my TikTok also go to our website. We called majorDomolist.com. You'll find all our information, and that's my podcast for today. I wanna thank you very much, and I'll see you in the next couple of days, and hopefully, Rodrigo will sit next to me, because he's always so busy with that new job I gave him.

Okay. Thank you very much. Bye-bye.