As we expand, we are looking for people to join our real estate team.

Today, I’m here to tell you that our team is growing and looking for people. My best clients are referrals from friends, family, past clients, vendors, and the people in my community, so I am coming to you all with this as well. You may be interested yourself or may know someone that would be perfect for our team. 

We’re looking for licensed agents with six months of experience or more. They could be seasoned veterans or new agents looking to join the team. We offer support, training systems, and structure—a lot of accountability about what it takes to be successful in this business. This includes detailed training on what you need to do daily, like how to hold an open house, how to work internet leads, how to work the database, and how to input information into our systems—the nuts and bolts of running a business to achieve your goals.

“We will help you be successful in this business.”

Perhaps you’ve been an agent for a long time or are fed up with some of the elements and want to partner with an agent to do the parts you like and then outsource the rest to the team. If so, this could be great for you. We’re looking for administrative staff, listing agents, buyers agents, and showing agents. 

Again, most of our best referrals are from people we know. Feel free to reach out to me privately and apply at the link or share them. Thank you for your consideration and business. Now we are excited to deliver a higher level of service. If you have any questions, call or email me anytime.

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