From Tuesdays rock on The Ochelli Effect. Mike Swanson was on in the first hour to cover many points of interest. Included in the conversation was everything from the Corona Virus fear porn, to how gold, silver, and politics seems to be trending at this time. Swanson is always insightful. We also discussed where […]


Tuesdays rock on The Ochelli Effect. Mike Swanson was on in the first hour to cover many points of interest. Included in the conversation was everything from the Corona Virus fear porn, to how gold, silver, and politics seems to be trending at this time. Swanson is always insightful. We also discussed where and how one might place their bets on the DNC Crap-fest for 2020.

Mike also gave us the skinny on what precious metals mean in the market and briefly discussed where all the Preppers have gone. Does doomsday fear relate to the gold and silver markets?

Porkins dropped in on the second hour to discuss the Trump Epstein Lawyer nevus. OJ and his dream team along with the current Impeachment Polooza teams of dreams are explained. Why in hell would anyone select Ken Starr to publicly comment on anything? Is fear porn driven by over dramatic hyperbolic news reports something to worry about when faced with the latest pandemic panic?

How many books have been peddled from the Trump orbit of shit? Is Bolton just trying to sell a book? What happened to that big “Warning” thing? Does any of this matter? How much time do you want to be wasted on this?

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Show Notes:

PPR ep. 165 Patrick Knowlton on Vince Foster and Brett Kavanaugh

Convicted teacher may have molested more victims

Letters of Support for Christopher Kloman

Pam Bondi to speak before group with ties to Scientology

Florida AG Pam Bondi hosting human rights event at human rights abuser Scientology’s HQ