I recorded a short episode talking about the recent release of documents on the 2006-2008 prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein. I discussed why State Attorney Dave Aronberg decided to make these files publicly available. Later I touched on a few strange tidbits I found, including a story about Epstein employing Wackenhut security guards and a “ninja” […]

I recorded a short episode talking about the recent release of documents on the 2006-2008 prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein. I discussed why State Attorney Dave Aronberg decided to make these files publicly available. Later I touched on a few strange tidbits I found, including a story about Epstein employing Wackenhut security guards and a “ninja” who was hiding out in Epstein’s bushes. The ninja turns out to be a private investigator linked to corrupt attorney Scott Rothstein and the Gambino Family, thus adding another strange layer to this complex story.


Download PPR episode 201

Show Notes:

Public gets online access to Jeffrey Epstein’s prosecution files

State of Florida v. Jeffrey Epstein

G4S Secure Solutions (formerly Wackenhut)

The Ochelli Effect: Uncertainty Equation Bitcoin Greasy Trump (Scott Rothstein episode)