"You can have any flavor you want," the clerk made a vague waving gesture at the empty shelves, or perhaps the storeroom behind him. Jessica arched her head to gaze behind the counter, but even so only managed to catch a glimpse of a carton of half-melted chocolate ice cream. "Is that the only flavor you have," she blurted out in surprise, visibly relieved when the clerk shook his head and handed her a leaflet describing the store's thirty-one specialties.

Want to learn Cantonese? First things first... we want to thank everyone who stuck with us during our roughly two week hiatus from active lesson publication. Today we're pleased to be back in the saddle with a Cantonese lesson that talks about "kinds" of things, and especially specifying which type of something you want. The language in this Cantonese podcast is fairly simple and covers some core essentials, so if you're just starting out take a listen, and let us know what you think!