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Pop Culture Role Call

392 episodes - English - Latest episode: 13 days ago - ★★★★★ - 34 ratings

Pop Culture Role Call is a weekly podcast that reviews television and movies from different characters’ perspectives. Each week our geek panel (panel of hosts) watches the same TV episode or movie each assigned their own character role. They will only watch scenes that their character is present in, leaving them with only part of the bigger picture.

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Buffy Season 6 Wrap Up - The Clem Conundrum

August 22, 2019 00:00 - 1 hour - 53.8 MB

We’re rounding the bend as Season 6 comes to a close. We finally get to discuss predicted story lines, the rise and fall of Willow, and the two obvious best things to come out of this season. Once More With Feeling and Clem! Big thanks for all the questions sent in. Thanks for listening!

S06E22 - Dunked on Shaq - Grave

August 15, 2019 00:47 - 1 hour - 49 MB

Finale! And with this episode, season 6 is done. Darth Willow is still out there tearing up Sunnydale worse than Warren's skin. Can Giles even do anything to help out here? Did he even live through the episode?! Our questions are answered...just not all of them. Thanks for listening!

S06E21 - Beep, Beep - Two to Go

August 07, 2019 21:06 - 54 minutes - 43.7 MB

It's season 6 episode 21, and Darth Willow is still doing the villain thing. But, everyone is having their dirty laundry hung out to dry at this point. Willow is just the most proactive about it all. If only Giles were around to help... *cough cough*. Thanks for listening!

S06E20 - Darth Willow - Villains

August 01, 2019 16:44 - 1 hour - 45.7 MB

Welcome to episode 20 of season 6! In dealing with our recent spat of violence Willow has turned over a new leaf. That leaf just happens to be dark, brooding, and full of powerful magic. Not great news for that Warren character, huh? Thanks for listening!

S06E19 - Aaaaandrew? - Seeing Red

July 24, 2019 21:38 - 1 hour - 42.3 MB

Season 6 episode 19 is another one of those "not super fun" episodes in an otherwise light-hearted show. Not much you can do to lighten up sexual assault, gun violence, or addiction. But it's happening and we need to talk about it. Thanks for listening!

S06E18 - Rock 'n' Roll - Entropy

July 18, 2019 00:40 - 1 hour - 52 MB

It's episode 18 of season 6 and this one is also not GREAT for Xander. Though, to his credit, everything is starting to get emotionally charged around here. Not a single relationship is left untouched by the drama of Sunnydale. Thanks for listening!

S06E17 - The Randy Newman Bullet - Normal Again

July 10, 2019 21:38 - 1 hour - 44.5 MB

This week, Xander is back from his "spirit quest" and ready to rock the emotional boat more than he already has. But, according to Buffy's visions, we aren't even real. This podcast has no reason to exist. So, maybe nothing matters? Thanks for listening!

S06E16 - Jolly Green Prom Date - Hell's Bells

July 04, 2019 00:06 - 1 hour - 41.8 MB

Season 6 episode 16 is here, folks! For a good while there Xander was one of the more well adjusted characters in this show. He had a loving fiance, a great job, and he didn't trust men with orbs. But, that all went topsy turvy this week and we went from one pending wedding, to zero. Thanks for listening!

S06E15 - So Vindicated - As You Were

June 26, 2019 21:31 - 1 hour - 60.5 MB

Welcome to episode 15 of season 6, the season of lies and half truths! Finally, after months of speculation and baseless accusation, a great truth is revealed. Also, Taad is back for a second shot at making a good first impression. It....kind of works? Thanks for listening!

S06E14 - Keep What You Kill - Older and Far Away

June 19, 2019 21:49 - 58 minutes - 40 MB

Howdy! Welcome to season 6 episode 14, where we start to really explore the magical wonderland that is "teen angst". It's also Buffy's birthday epsiode, so, you know nothing good can really happen. Her party wasn't exactly a banger but for some reason nobody wants to leave...is Monopoly THAT fun? Or, is it something else? Thanks for listening!

Movie Break - Fargo - There's a Wood Chipper?!

June 12, 2019 19:28 - 41 minutes - 56.7 MB

While Collin is off globetrotting the rest of hosts make their way to Fargo to watch three completely different movies hidden within this Coen Brothers classic. Don’t ya know.

S06E13 - Table a Murder - Dead Things

June 05, 2019 19:59 - 39 minutes - 54.5 MB

This week the gang wrestles with a possible murder, but this time it's Buffy who might be the perpetrator. Follow us down this rabbit hole of time skip weirdness, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, and Jonathan.

S06E12 - Team Chaos - Doublemeat Palace

May 30, 2019 00:10 - 1 hour - 48.6 MB

This week Buffy has her greatest challenge yet...working in fast food. But is everything as it seems? Are the burgers made of people?? Listen to find out!

S06E11 - 1/3 Zamboni - Gone

May 23, 2019 00:54 - 48 minutes - 33.5 MB

Season 6 Episode 11 gives us a little bit of a breather...if you consider threats from social services, accusations of relapse, and slowly disappearing from this earth light. At this point we're taking what we can get. Thanks for listening!

S06E10 - The Gungan Door - Wrecked

May 08, 2019 22:53 - 1 hour - 47.1 MB

Season 6 episode 10 is a hoot and a holler... We have already seen Willow struggle with her magical addiction (which is literal not figurative), but, it's time to explore rock bottom. Our enabler, Amy, takes us to meet her creepy connect and things just spiral so...so quickly. Thanks for listening!

S06E09 - Slobbery Name - Smashed

May 01, 2019 22:09 - 50 minutes - 34.6 MB

Hey there Amy! Welcome to season 6 episode 9, it's good to see you again. Sorry about the whole "forgetting you were a rat which we definitely could have helped with" thing for a few seasons there. That's our bad. But, you are here now and that's what matters. You haven't missed much, things have been pretty quiet. A god here, a cyber-demon there, college. Normal stuff. Thanks for listening!

S06E08 - My Landline's on Vibrate - Tabula Rasa

April 24, 2019 20:55 - 1 hour - 63.9 MB

Season 6 episode 8! And now...for something a little different! This episode is on the longer side, but, there are also going to be 8 people talking into your ears. I'm not going to spoil Producer James's surprise but I will throw out a huge thank you to; Producer Meghan, Emily, Nicholas, and Jason! "What is happening here?!" you might be asking. Well, we hope you enjoy the listen!

S06E07 - Sad Osmosis - Once More, With Feeling

April 17, 2019 22:51 - 1 hour - 57.6 MB

Season 6 episode 7! Something tells me that you hardcore Buffy fans out there have been waiting for this one (jazz hands!). It's the musical episode and it was just as whimsical and emotionally destructive as one can expect from a special episode with a unique premise. Sweets, a lover of theater first and a demon second, has cursed(?) the Scooby Gang, making us belt out our deepest feelings and secrets through the majesty of song. Luckily, we are a close group of old friends with no secrets ...

S06E06 - I'm Condescending - All The Way

April 10, 2019 22:40 - 1 hour - 52.5 MB

Season 6 episode 6! Halloween is here again to bless us with sugar-fueled caricatures of our closest friends. The Magic Box has it's biggest day of sales since it's inception, despite Spike's penchant for nicking the merchandise. But a fat stack of cash isn't the only good news. Our very own Alexander Harris is betrothed! Who would've thunk it? Xander, married before anyone else in the Scooby Gang? The world is truly a magical place. Thanks for listening!

S06E05 - Almost Got 'Im - Life Serial

April 03, 2019 21:45 - 54 minutes - 37.8 MB

Season 6 episode 5 and we are getting silly! Which one witchy woman finds to be a nice change in pace. But Buff seems to be struggling with it. I would normally try and use some fun words to describe serious stuff. But everything has an air of...absurdity? Buffy throwing back shots with Spike who is playing a seedy poker game with a motley crew of nasty baddies. Buffy being Groundhog Day'd in a first day of retail work. And the caricature of the devil is bopping around, harmlessly glitter bo...

S06E04 - Lisa "Marie" Frank - Flooded

March 27, 2019 21:54 - 48 minutes - 33.5 MB

It's season 6 episode 4! This whole time, we were assuming the new Big Bad would be one of us, someone converted to evil, a fall from grace. But, it turns out the true villain of season 6 is capitalism. What a twist! Buffy was dead for an entire summer, and dying is expensive. Luckily, Papa Giles is back in the states and ready to lend his patient expertise to our recent series of unfortunate events. With the gang all back together, we can overcome anything! (Please don't die, Giles) Thanks ...

S06E03 - It's Cuute - After Life

March 20, 2019 20:56 - 1 hour - 50 MB

Season 6 episode 3 is here and it brought....something with it scary ghost noises! We can't just help Buffy re-orient herself in this world with some peace and quiet, huh? We can't even go one night without some face slicing, orb throwing, fire breathing spectral nonsense. Luckily this ghosty is bringing some weak s*** to our seasoned crew of paranormal butt kickers. Oh, and Spike is being really cute and charismatic and I think we are all shipping it pretty hard. Thanks for listening!

S06E02 - The Yo is important - Bargaining: Part 2

March 13, 2019 19:28 - 46 minutes - 31.8 MB

It's only episode 2 and it already looks like the end of days out there in Sunnydale! But there is a ray of hope in the demon infested darkness because we got our Buffy back. I wish I could say it was safe and sound, but that just isn't how this all works. Out of the frying pan and into the fryer, as they say. Healing is going to take time. Thanks for listening!

S06E01 - The Big Day - Bargaining: Part 1

March 06, 2019 22:17 - 43 minutes - 30 MB

Hello friends, both evil and benign! It's time to jump feet first into Season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But, that does indicate the existence of a titular lead named Buffy. What do we call the show if Buffy is dead? What are we without our big kickin', quip spittin' superheroine? Time to find out I guess. We spend this first episode trying our best to get our bearings in the new world. Everyone seems pretty much the same, except for Willow, who has a pretty gnarly 50 minutes. Thanks for...

Movie Break - A Fish Called Wanda

February 20, 2019 19:12 - 1 hour - 62.6 MB

This week we have a special episode AND a special guest. Lucky you! While the Scooby Gang takes a well deserved break from the emotional rollercoaster of Buffy, we sat down with Holly (co-host of Boozin' Bitchin' Book Club) to watch and discuss the 1988 comedy "A Fish Called Wanda". It's equal parts heist, whodunnit, slapstick romp, and crime thriller. Not sure how they managed to fit all of that in, but they sure did. Thanks for listening!

Buffy Season 5 Wrap Up - Oh Glittering Glistening Glorificus

February 13, 2019 20:16 - 1 hour - 63.4 MB

Season 5 has come and gone, which means it's time for a wrap-up episode! A huge thank you to everyone who sent in their questions and to His Most Dilectable One, Jack, for sitting in as Glory. We are both excited and a little bit terrified to jump into season 6 considering Buffy is currently dead and burried. But hey, stories always have happy endings, right?....right?!... Ah jeeze. Thanks for listening!

S05E22 - The Remix - The Gift

February 11, 2019 14:11 - 1 hour - 45.2 MB

Hello again for the first time, listeners! It's the season 5 finale 2.0 redux and we have a lot to talk about. Glory has been a well dressed thorn in our sides for a long time now. She has caused us pain and loss, and now we get to return the favor. But at what cost? Every great victory comes with great sacrifice. Thank you for listening!

S05E21 - The Most Penultimate - The Weight of the World

January 30, 2019 23:36 - 1 hour - 41.6 MB

Friends, welcome to the penultimate episode of Buffy season 5! I wish I could say that we were all suited up and ready to punch that sassy god in her sassy head but... honestly, y'all? Things aren't looking too hot for us right now. Some of us are catatonic, some of us are stabbed, some of us are going to be sacrificed to destroy the fabric of reality. Please keep us in your thoughts!

S05E20 - Shiny & Chrome!! - Spiral

January 24, 2019 00:35 - 1 hour - 55.4 MB

We have fought, we have planned, we have attacked, and we have defended. But nothing seems to have worked. Glory is in full Big Bad mode and the Scooby Gang is forced to make a hard and unconventional choice; we run. We pack everyone up and flee town in an effort to give us some breathing room, some kind of security. Can we really outrun our problems though? Thanks for listening!

S05E19 - Human-splain It - Tough Love

January 16, 2019 20:40 - 1 hour - 59.1 MB

We are in the last stretch of season 5 and the stakes are really starting to ramp up (pun not intended)! Glory, like a predator stalking through the brush, is an ever-present danger, even when she isn't punching anyone. Tara experienced this first hand when the god reach into her head and mentally broke her. Luckily she survived, but will she ever be the same? Where do we go from here? Thanks for listening!

S05E18 - Zero to Plowtown - Intervention

January 09, 2019 23:19 - 1 hour - 46.2 MB

Half high jinks and half desert spirit quest, this episode has a little bit for everyone. While Buffy and Giles head out to learn their deep and introspective lessons from the fabled "first slayer", the rest of the Scooby Gang is being bamboozled by a sex-bot. But...why does that sex-bot look like Buffy? Thanks for listening!

S05E17 - Angel OTP - Forever

January 02, 2019 21:59 - 58 minutes - 40.3 MB

Things aren't necessarily looking up in this episode of Buffy, but they aren't looking more down at least. Now that Joyce is buried, what next? Buffy still has to be the hero, she still needs to save the world. Can she be a mom, a sister, a friend, a student, and a slayer? Maybe the special, super surprise character can help us answer that one. Thanks for listening!

S05E16 - Rest in Peace - The Body

December 27, 2018 01:46 - 1 hour - 47 MB

So this is the episode everyone has been whispering about, huh? This is the "just wait" episode, huh? Well, this week the gang is reeling from loss and dealing with the aftermath that can only come about with the unexpected death of a loved one. Feel like a good chuckle or two? Might be a better idea to go re-watch Futurama or something instead. We will be here to talk about feelings when you're ready. Thanks for listening!

S05E15 - The Bronze Age is Over - I Was Made to Love You

December 19, 2018 20:48 - 45 minutes - 31.7 MB

This week on Buffy it's all lies, death, and something about a robot. Up until the last scene we were all having such a good time. It was "haha, this" and "sex robot, that". Anya was being Anya and Joyce was going out on a date with some boring normie man. But then the walls came crashing down and grim specter of death invaded our lives once again.

S05E14 - Big Book of Vampires - Crush

December 12, 2018 21:59 - 53 minutes - 37.1 MB

It's season 5 episode 14 and Spike is dealing with a serious case of "late season character development". Our favorite bleeding heart romantic jumps a bit off the deep end this week, abducting Buffy and promising her an affectionate ritual sacrifice. But even with all of this heartwarming bloodshed, Buffy still doesn't return Spike's advances. Thanks for listening!

S05E13 - Lie of Omission - Blood Ties

December 05, 2018 22:44 - 52 minutes - 36.1 MB

Welcome to season 5 episode 13, where lies abound and the truth hurts. Remember that little plot device of "Dawn showing up out of absolutely nowhere"? Turns out she isn't just a true-blue american teenager, she is also a key. An....energy key.. for a god? Or, something? That isn't all flushed out yet. What's important is that Buffy didn't jump the shark it just made a bold story choice. Thanks for listening!

S05E12 - Bad Day! Bad Day! Bad Day! - Checkpoint

November 28, 2018 19:40 - 1 hour - 54.2 MB

It's season 5 episode 12 and Buffy is here to take on her most formidable foe thus far. The horrifying, eternal, and nauseatingly powerful.... BUREAUCRACY! *Insert stock audio of a scream*. The Watchers are back and they come bearing red tape and pretentious assumptions. Stay safe out there, Buffy. Thanks for listening!

S05E11 - Why You Trippin'? - Triangle

November 21, 2018 21:17 - 1 hour - 46.6 MB

Season 5 episode 11 is here and we are back to our classic, minor petty aggression. What a relief! Sure, Joyce is still sick and Taad is still gone and Glory is still out there summoning buff snakes. BUT, for 50 minutes we just need to worry about Willow and Anya bickering and maybe the occasional Troll breaking someones wrist. Easy peasy. Thanks for listening!

S05E10 - Hospital Chic - Into the Woods

November 14, 2018 21:47 - 1 hour - 46.4 MB

Dear Taad (Riley), your departing is such sweet.... relief. I'm not quite sure I understand though. I'm not quite sure I understand you. Big muscles and a condescending tone is what you brought to the table and the table was worse for it. Now you are gone. Leaving at midnight in a helicopter surrounded by a gaggle of other boring boys. You left a broken heart behind. I would wish you all the best, but honestly, I don't really care. Thanks for listening!

S05E09 - Give It Some Space - Listening to Fear

November 01, 2018 15:19 - 58 minutes - 40.4 MB

Hello dear listeners! Another relatively split episode coming at you this week. The whole Summers family is still in the midst of dealing with the fact that Joyce has a brain tumor. Meanwhile, the rest of the Scooby gang is on some kind of X-Files inspired extraterrestrial romp in the woods. How is this all related to the anthropomorphic snake loving Big Bad lady? Not sure, but hopefully we find out soon. Thanks for listening!

S05E08 - Hot Doctor - Shadow

October 24, 2018 23:49 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Season 5 Episode 8 feels like the start of something sad... I can just feel it in my bones. Joyce (Buffy's mom) is in the hospital with a brain tumor and the big bad of the season is summoning buff snakes with a penchant for staring/screaming contests. How are we going to juggle the medical needs of a beloved family member and the horrifying presence of a snake summoning ancient evil? I just don't know, but we will figure it out together. Thanks for listening!

S05E07 - Papa Bear Approved - Fool for Love

October 17, 2018 22:50 - 1 hour - 44.8 MB

Season 5 Episode 7 is here for you and it's a doozy! This week, Xander and Willow take a back seat while Buffy and Spike work through a few personal/professional issues. To help us dig into the brain of our platinum haired wild-card we brought on special guest, Nick. It's an episode of clever imagery, flashbacks, and fashion. Thanks for listening! Nick owns and operates the nerd paradise, Alleycat Comics in Chicago. Check them out at - www.alleycatcomics.com.

S05E06 - Bigger Than Halo Friends - Family

October 10, 2018 20:53 - 1 hour - 51.2 MB

This week we get the very first Tara focused episode which means we get the very first Tara guest! Madison, from the podcast The Equelizers, sat down with the Scooby gang to lend a soothing voice to our favorite wispy witchy woman. But is Tara more than meets the eye? Is she even human?! The blue-collar scumbags she calls family don't seem to think so. Thanks for listening. Web: equelizers.podbean.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theequelizers/

S05E05 - Please Orb Responsibly - No Place Like Home

October 03, 2018 20:13 - 48 minutes - 33.7 MB

Welcome to Season 5 episode 5 where we might just have met the big bad! Buffy has a run in with a woman in red. Her scarlet dress and whimsical disposition aside she definitely packs a punch, one that can crush stone pillars. But, we also have this orb. And if I know anything about orbs it's that they can't be trusted. Keep one eye on the women in red and one eye on this sketchy orb. Thanks for listening!

S05E04 - Cis White Male - Out of My Mind

September 26, 2018 22:00 - 56 minutes - 38.7 MB

Oh.....oh Taad(Riley). It's been a rough couple of seasons for you and, man, I wish we cared more. If a potential heart attack can't bring about our sympathies and support then I just don't know what will. I would say "It's not you, it's us" but, let's be real. Spike tries to kill us on the reg and I'm pretty sure we would all throw you in front of a speeding car to save his skin. I'm not saying this to hurt you I'm saying it because you are being an ass.

S05E03 - Blame it on Time Travel - The Replacement

September 19, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 48.6 MB

Buffy is back this week! Season 5 episode 3 is a Xander episode, well, it's actually a Xanders episode, plural. The show walks some familiar ground with the "evil clone" schtick but it also tosses us a fun little curve ball by casting Nicholas Brendon's (Xander) identical twin brother Kelly Donovan as said "evil clone". It's a cool idea and it works really well! Thanks for listening.

Movie Break - Green Room - Dogs Murdering Some Teens

September 12, 2018 20:07 - 52 minutes - 36 MB

Happy Wednesday everyone! Stasia is still out on an archeological dig contributing to the relentless pursuit of knowledge, so this is officially week one of our multi-week break from Buffy. For this special episode Mike, Brian, and Collin dive into the pit of filth and hate that is "Green Room"! Punk music, killer dogs, heroin, and Nazi's getting their comeuppance. What a treat. Thanks for listening!

S05E02 - Sister Sister - Real Me

September 05, 2018 22:08 - 59 minutes - 40.7 MB

Howdy! It's the second episode of season 5 and some big ch-ch-ch-changes are already rolling into our lives. On the big/good changes side of things, Giles bought a magic store from a mysteriously murdered old friend! On the big/weird side of things though, Buffy has a new sister who has a crush on Xander... Did Buffy jump the shark or is this season going to get weird? Both? Thanks for listening!

S05E01 - Drippin' Swagu - Buffy vs. Dracula

August 29, 2018 23:26 - 1 hour - 44 MB

With season 4 in the rear-view mirror and season 5 stretching out in front of us, the gang dives back into the world of Buffy! And, who better to welcome us back to the vamp stabbing and the demon kicking than Count "The Dark Prince" Dracula himself? How exciting, we finally made it to the A-list. Thanks for listening!

Movie Break - The Cabin in the Woods

August 23, 2018 18:16 - 1 hour - 43.8 MB

It's our mid-season break week this week, which means we aren't returning to Sunnydale quite yet. But don't worry, we are keeping it in the Whedon family with Cabin in the Woods! Is this a slasher movie? An office culture dark comedy? A reality television show? That's for the elder Gods to know and us to find out. Thanks for listening!