Two mini-worksheets I made recently in collaboration with Kate Shields Stenzinger help simplify describing the goals and projects you're working on. We call them the Intentional Planner Tools.

The Goals and Actions planner is about reflection to help plan what's next combined with asking what you're big goals are for the next 5 years.

Then the project concept and project status mini-worksheets help you collect those things you're building and sharing with the world and make it easy to describe why they're important to your audience.

Both are available to download as PDFs.

Related Links and Resources

Download the Intentional Planner Tools
Drawing User Journey Maps to Design User Experiences, Gather Ideas, and Collaborate - on SALE through November 2019
For Skillshare subscribers or those new to Skillshare who'd like to sign up for 2 free months + get the Drawing User Journey Maps class
Rob Stenzinger - Maker, teacher, and coach for experience design, games, and collaboration
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