Ashley Robertson, child care provider and sex-positive educator, makes her podcast debut to answer questions about age-appropriate sex education.

0:00 Introduction and host chat If you’re under 18, visit Same ole’ same ole’ pandemic, just waiting for the vaccine 2:25 Poly in the news Three Dads and a Baby Caroline Rose Guiliani is a poly unicorn! Cambridge, Massachusetts passes new poly domestic partnership legislation 5:55 Feedback

If you have questions, comments, or feedback call 802-505-POLY or email [email protected] and attach an MP3 file with your questions. To book us or anything that involves a calendar, email [email protected].

6:40 Interview: Ashley Robertson on talking to kids about polyamory and sex

Ashley identifies as a feminine, bi-curious, ethically solo-polyamourous, sexual submissive. With over a decade of experience in the BDSM community, she isn't shy of perverse topics. She is a liberated, ethical slut who wishes to share with others the freedom of sexuality without shame.

Ashley is an expert question-asker. With three teaching degrees, she's an educator who is fed up with the idea that learning comes from a teacher. Instead, she crafts workshops and activities that invite introspection and curiosity while accommodating for all learners. She's at her happiest when working with youth; demonstrating consent, guiding them towards comfort surrounding condoms, and providing honest answers to questions about sexuality. She's trained to facilitate the Our Whole Lives curriculum and adapts the workshops to fit diverse audiences.  Her workshops have reached local audiences for parent education events and audiences far and wide via virtual workshops hosted by educational, outreach organizations. Ashley's non-coercive, comprehensive approach to sex ed is what we all wished we had growing up. You can find her group on Facebook, Let's Talk About Sex Ed with Ms. Ashley.

How do you approach sexual topics with kids? Our Whole Lives 28:10 Join the conversation

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28:44 Happy Poly Moment

Fun story about the wife offering protection and safety tips to the metamour!

30:20 Thank you!

Welcome Ivo to the PW Playmates!

Thanks to our Poly Weekly Playmates for your financial support! We also love when you review us on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcatcher (including Spotify!) and when you share us with your friends directly. Thanks also to Pacemaker Jane for letting us use their song Good Suspicions as our intro and outro music and to you for listening and sharing.

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