Janet Hardy on the last 20 years of polyamory and the latest edition of the Ethical Slut.

0:00 Introduction and host chat

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1:00 Host chat and announcements

The University of Utah Relationship Decisions Lab is looking for survey respondents who are looking to open up their relationships for the first time or who have opened it up before but are looking to open up again. To participate, go to www.relationshipdecisions.org, click on the Participants tab and select Open Relationship Project link. And remember, it’s for science!

2:45 Interview: Janet Hardy on her life and The Ethical Slut’s third edition

Janet Hardy, author of over a dozen books on sexuality, BDSM and polyamory, joins us for a life and editorial update. She’s sharpening her illustration skills for a brand-new, fully-illustrated edition of The Sexually Dominant Woman and working with her grown sons on their early poly lives, working title “Slut and Sons.”

We talk about that great write up in Rolling Stone, the first headline about geeks making the best lovers that opened the door to talking about poly in the 90s and how that has changed. And we talk about what is new in ES3—consent culture, more inclusiveness and more. Plus, Janet’s favorite musical!

Buy the book from Janet’s Facebook page or book Janet through her website

26:15 Happy poly moment

New listener Sarah shares a happy poly moment about her partners collaborating to make her day.

27:45 Thank you!

Welcome Meiyi to the Poly Weekly Playmates!

28:15 How to make this podcast better

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