If I'm dating a poly married guy, am I poly? Can he be my core relationship? If I want a core relationship, do I have to go back to being monogamous?

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0:00 Introduction and host chat

Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

Today’s cohost is Lusty Guy

1:30 Announcements and host chat

RelateCon was amazing! You should go next year!

5:45 Poly in the news Rethinking monogamy on CNN TV is finally starting to get polyamory right 10:45 Topic: does dating poly make me poly?

A listener writes in to ask how to manage her self-identity as she is dating a man in a couple—what happens when she is ready to focus on a core relationship? Does she disclose her existing relationship? Break it off to pursue monogamy? Or can her sweetie be her core relationship?

You got questions; we’ve got answers!

26:20 Thank you!

Thanks to Spirit, and Craig for their donations! And welcome Blackbird, Fernando, Toby and Brenda to the Playmates!

28:50 How to make this podcast better

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email [email protected] and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write an iTunes review!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

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