Democratic Strategist, lawyer, and author discusses 10 reasons to Dump Donald Trump. Elizabeth Did Warren flip on M4A?

Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: November 15th, 2019

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*Democratic Strategist, lawyer, and author Kelly Hyman discusses 10 reasons to Dump Donald Trump in 2020. *Elizabeth Did Warren flip on M4A?

Kelly Hyman appeared on Politics Done Right today to discuss her new book on the reasons to dump Donald Trump in 2020.

Hyman did not pull any punches in her castigation of the president, While she enumerated ten reasons for dismissing the president, she pointed out there are many more.

Get your copy of Kelly Hyman’s new book “The Top Ten Reasons to Dump Trump in 2020.” It will make a great Thanksgiving or Christmas gift to your Trump-loving relative. Let Hyman do the talking for you as you enjoy your family.

In the second segment of the program, we examined Elizabeth Warren’s new statement on implementing Medicare for All. Did she flip? Does she not understand that incrementalism does not work?

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Elizabeth Warren’s new Medicare-for-all plan starts out with a public option

In her new health care agenda for the first 100 days of her presidency, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) makes a tacit concession: The health care plan Democrats are most likely to pass in the near term is a robust public option.

Warren rolled out a laundry list of health care executive actions on Friday that she said she plans to take in her first few months as president, making her the first Democratic candidate to offer such a robust administrative playbook.

She also laid out her plan to get to Medicare-for-all, beginning with passing a bill at the start of her presidency that would create a new government health plan that would cover children and people with lower incomes for free, while allowing others to join the plan if they choose. It’s a particularly expansive version of a public option.

Only later, in her third year in the White House, does Warren say she would pursue Medicare-for-all legislation that would actually prohibit private health insurance, as would be required for the single-payer program that she says she, like Bernie Sanders, wants.

As Warren competes with not only Sanders on the left but Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg toward the center for the Democratic nomination, the plan seems like a bit of triangulation on her part. She isn’t backing off her commitment to Medicare-for-all single-payer. But she is putting out a plan that she will argue is more likely to actually pass 18 months from now.

Either bill in Warren’s two-step plan would face serious challenges: The first requires 50 or so Senate Democrats to agree on a health care plan in early 2021 and then the second even more audaciously needs a Senate supermajority to approve single-payer health care (or an end to the Senate filibuster).

This won’t win over many Sanders supporters, who see an unnecessary focus on tactics over strategy. The moderates will still assail her plan as unrealistic and politically toxic. Warren, meanwhile, will make the case she has a plan to both pay for and pass Medicare-for-all.

Health care didn’t seem like the senator’s top priority earlier in the campaign when she spent more time touting the anti-corruption bill she says would be her No. 1 legislative item. But she is now committing to passing a significant health care bill early in her presidency.


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