It is a fact that we are currently in a state of generational theft. Most Americans would not have accepted it if it were not cloaked in false morals & responsibility.

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It is a fact that we are currently in a state of generational theft. Most Americans would not have accepted it if it were not cloaked in false morals & responsibility.

One should not feel guilty for the generational theft that has been in progress since Reagan’s voodoo economics.

Not yet anyway. But when presented with the numbers which are in fact absolute, if one still decides to pull the wool over their eyes or bury their heads in the sand, then at that point one is complicit. Just like one is complicit if they ignore racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, and all the other isms, one is complicit in generational theft.

Interestingly, the theft isn’t necessarily perpetrated by the generation getting a little bit more. That will be made clear when it is pointed out that the masses are but a tool for wealth extraction and maximization.

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‘Fear of Victory’ for Sanders or Warren in 2020 Driving Bloomberg and Patrick Bids, Say Progressive Critics

“We’ve got two super-rich guys who are scared to death that a progressive’s going to win the primary and then win the general.”

That was how Charles Chamberlain, chairman of progressive group Democracy for America, characterized the last-minute 2020 Democratic presidential bids of former Bain Capital executive Deval Patrick and billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg.

Patrick, the former governor of Massachusetts, announced his presidential run last week. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, filed campaign paperwork earlier this month to get on the ballot in Alabama and is expected to officially enter the 2020 race in the coming days.

Supporters of Bloomberg and Patrick claim they are concerned that progressive candidates like Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) would lose to President Donald Trump in the general election. But progressive activists told Politico Monday that Democratic donors are more terrified by the prospect of Sanders or Warren defeating Trump and enacting policies that would threaten their wealth and influence.

“This is about fear of victory, not fear of loss,” Chamberlain said.


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