This week, we present Part 1 of our Polling 101 series with Republican Pollster, David Flaherty, President of Magellan Strategies.

In Part 1, David Flaherty lays out everything you could possibly want to know about how polls are conducted, how to effectively use them, and what can be done to meet the challenges facing pollsters over the next decade. We talk about why so many polls recently have been wrong, including the recent British elections, the Greek Referendum, and former Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s surprise defeat.

David Flaherty has nearly 25 years of experience working with data, voter files, mapping technology, and in the redistricting process. As a pollster, this deep knowledge of data, is a real asset when it comes to understanding a population that you are trying to survey. 

David spent 14 years in Washington, DC working for organizations like the Republican National Committee, the US House of Representatives, and Americans for Prosperity. In 2006, David moved to Colorado and started Magellan Strategies. David and his team provide survey research, predictive data modeling, and voter data analysis services to political and public affairs clients.

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