Olivia Robinson is an active solutionary with all the communities she serves. As an Assistant Director of Community Engagement and Service at Pepperdine University, she builds relationships around serving community needs. As the CEO of BlackDollar, Olivia facilitates economic solutions for black owned businesses. She’s also given a terrific TEDx speech titled “Love Warriors: Arming Ourselves with Radical Love.”

Olivia's website: https://oliviavictoriarobi.wixsite.com/oliviarobinson

BlackDollar: https://www.blackdollarapp.org/home

Olivia's TEDx speech: https://www.ted.com/talks/olivia_robinson_love_warriors_arming_ourselves_with_radical_love

Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8HdOHrc3OQ