In this week’s episode of Policy Speaking, our host – and PPF’s President & CEO – Edward Greenspon chats with the co-chair of the Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression, Taylor Owen, Commissioner Nathalie Des Rosiers and Chair of the Citizens’ Assembly on Democratic Expression, Peter MacLeod. They discuss what the Commission and Citizens’ Assembly has been working on and what it hopes to accomplish in the next year. Taylor Owen, Nathalie Des Rosiers and Peter MacLeod also examine the harms of technology and disinformation, and the need for mechanisms in the digital ecosystem to ensure transparency and accountability. The conversation includes the right to information and expression, the increased polarization of ideas online and the role social media plays when participating in public life. They look at policy considerations, such as increased public education, more user control online, as well as better privacy and data protection.

During Today in Policy, Katie and Edward covered the return of the House of Commons, what ministers have a tall order, and regulating the internet. 

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated just how important strong and resilient healthcare is to all Canadians, and just how stressed our system is in many parts of the country. The Public Policy Forum is the think tank about tomorrow which is why we are keen to touch on timely issues of relevance to Canadians. Our podcast sponsor, Johnson and Johnson also knows how critical it is to provide strong healthcare services to Canadians and we thank them for their support of Policy Speaking.

This episode included a #PPFProud shout out: Here at the Public Policy Forum, we have the pleasure of working with Canada’s leading organizations to work on policy recommendations for a better Canada. Several of our members have partnered on the This Is Our Shot campaign which is an initiative and a platform which provides easy-to-understand COVID-19 information, and vaccine FAQs including booking information and resources to help Canadians get vaccinated faster. PPF Members who we are #PPFproud of include: Bell Media, CN, Facebook, Hydro One, McCarthy Tetrault, Seneca, Rogers Communications, Telus, University of Calgary, Accenture, ArcelorMitall Dofasco, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Deloitte, Enbridge, Innovative Medicines Canada, University of Toronto, Atco, BCG, Manulife, Amazon, Business Council of Canada, CIBC, EY, KPMG, TD, York University.