In this week’s episode of Policy Speaking, our host Edward Greenspon (PPF President & CEO) chats with the Honourable Jean Charest and Amanda Affonso looking at Canada’s efforts to balance national interests while decarbonizing. They discuss leveraging Canada’s energy advantages and becoming policy shapers in the global race to net-zero carbon emissions. Hon. Jean Charest and Amanda Affonso also examine COP26, the implementation of the Paris Agreement, carbon border adjustments, and rising energy prices. In answering questions from the audience, they stress policy considerations such as Indigenous engagement, incentives for small businesses, and the political traits needed to move forward with the green energy transition. This episode also corresponds with the release of PPF’s latest report, CLIMATETIVENESS: What it takes for Canada to thrive in a net zero exporting world.

In Today in Policy, Edward chats with Editor of PPF Media, Katie Davey. They discuss the COP26 convening in Glasgow, Scotland and Canada’s energy transition policy.

This episode includes a #PPFProud Member Shoutout: Amazon Web Services is bringing the power of the cloud to advance climate science, supporting the first ever full production climate model simulations on the cloud with potential to accelerate climate research and democratize access to climate research capabilities. We are PPF Proud of our member Amazon Web Services for their commitment to a net-zero future!

Special thanks to our episode sponsor, Johnson & Johnson.