This episode starts where we probably would have started a telehealth series in normal, non-COVID-19 times . . . looking at telehealth as one of the tools available to help overcome transportation-based barriers to accessing health care. Chris Towne, of Northern Counties Health Care*, and Dr. Brian Bates, of Mountain Health Center, join us to discuss this issue.

If you want to read more about options for public transit, including the state's plan for connecting patients to medical appointments, the Vermont Agency of Transportation released their Public Transit Policy Plan earlier this year.

Slide 9 in this presentation shows travel hours and miles saved in a telehealth pilot at UVMMC. 

If you want to read more about MAT programs in Vermont and their COVID-19 adjustments, UVMMC has this April 17 blog post. Also, the Rural Health Information Hub has this toolkit on using telehealth as part of MAT programs (in non-COVID-19 times). 

*Northern Counties Health Care was an original sponsor of this series - and if you feel it's totally unfair that a sponsor got a coveted interview spot then please, by all means, contact us and volunteer to be interviewed to even things out, we would love that.