Previous Episode: Broadband for Telehealth
Next Episode: Teledentistry

Our second episode on Telehealth Reimbursement during COVID-19 looks at the systems used to set payment for telemedicine services.

If you want more details on evolving Medicare telehealth billing guidance in response to COVID-19, see this video from CMS, updated on May 8th

If you want lots of details on Medicare billing as it relates to FQHCs, visit the Bi-State Medicare Guidance page, which is regularly updated and contains links to key CMS documents.

If you want to fact check the claim that this is the worst public health disaster since the advent of the modern telephone system, check out this Fast Company article on the telephone system that was in place during the 1918 Spanish flu and which, unfortunately, relied on an army of operators to manually make phone connections.

Thank you to Northern Counties Health Care for their sponsorship of this special series on telehealth and COVID-19.