Original Air Date: May 25, 2014
In today's episode, JD introduces a musical artist who goes by the name "Chingy." Chingy believes in astro-theology and explains how Jesus is represented by the horoscope sign "Pices" and that the burning bush Moses spoke to was some kind of gland in the body that centers meditation power. Then, JD asks whether or not Chingy should have a place in your church, other than person to be evangelized. In the Daily #DOWNGRADE, JD plays a clip from Ronnie Floyd's Cross Church in which the student minister dances to x-rated lyrics in one of Chingy's songs as a part of their youth service. JD also discusses criticism he's received from Floyd supporters on the Pulpit & Pen website.

Original Air Date: May 25, 2014

In today’s episode, JD introduces a musical artist who goes by the name “Chingy.” Chingy believes in astro-theology and explains how Jesus is represented by the horoscope sign “Pices” and that the burning bush Moses spoke to was some kind of gland in the body that centers meditation power. Then, JD asks whether or not Chingy should have a place in your church, other than person to be evangelized. In the Daily #DOWNGRADE, JD plays a clip from Ronnie Floyd’s Cross Church in which the student minister dances to x-rated lyrics in one of Chingy’s songs as a part of their youth service. JD also discusses criticism he’s received from Floyd supporters on the Pulpit & Pen website.