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On this episode of Polemics Report for September 9th, 2021, David flies solo, discussing secondary doctrines and his theory that Ed Litton may not have plagiarized JD Greear after all yet may very well be unregenerate. In the Patron portion, David talks about his and his wife's foray into homeschooling and begins to dismantle the faulty MacArthur/Friel understanding of government authority as taught in Romans 13.



On this episode of Polemics Report for September 9th, 2021, David flies solo, discussing secondary doctrines and his theory that Ed Litton may not have plagiarized JD Greear after all yet may very well be unregenerate. In the Patron portion, David talks about his and his wife’s foray into homeschooling and begins to dismantle the faulty MacArthur/Friel understanding of government authority as taught in Romans 13.

The Polemics Report

Pastor JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen compares what people are saying about God to the Word of God. A podcast designed to train your ability to discern between right and almost right. Highlighting the “downgrade” of modern Christianity.

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