How do you develop leadership excellence and instill confidence in your team during this time of change from COVID or geo-political shifts?

My latest Point of View show interviews Ralph Anania, an executive and business coach and a successful entrepreneur who's built 31 companies over a 35 year period, and has generated over $2BN in sales. 

Our chat introduces how he began his journey as an executive coach and from there we began to talk about specific areas in leadership and resilience.

Key chapters in the interview:

0:00 - Introduction
2:55 - How did Ralph get into executive coaching in the first place
5:55 - Why having a business coach is important for stability and growth
7:01 - What makes a good leader?
7:41 - The difference between a leader vs a manager?
8:21 - Coaching leaders out of being a manager
10:07 - Has COVID-19 has it changed the way leadership is conducted?
11:16 - What leaders should be doing in COVID-19
12:20 - How businesses can prepare for a crisis situation
14:17 - Preparing your mental state for a crisis
15:35 - Getting your business ready to pivot in COVID-19
23:39 - Advice for leaders to build resilience in their teams
25:27 - Investing in your team for success

Links to reach out to Ralph Anania:


About Andrew Tran Digital

Andrew Tran (AT) Digital is an independent marketing consultant, strategist and podcaster helping brands navigate the challenges in their market to perform better, realise their brand’s purpose and develop value to their customers. For more information, please visit the website - or connect on LinkedIn -