My guest today is Amanda Elise Love . Amanda is a registered holistic  nutritionist who works with those with fibromyalgia . She wants you to  know  the meaning of the word holistic with talking about nutrition and  supplements. To think of the word holistic is to realize that it means the integration of the mind ,body and spirit when addressing health  issues.  She has a long history of illness which culminated with the  diagnosis of Fibromayliga at the age of 20. She knows this syndrome  because she has been there. She no longer suffers from the pain, fatigue and headaches of this syndrome. Now she helps those with fibromyalgia do the same.  

Her website is

What are your 3 biggest learnings you love to share with the audience in terms of healthy living?

1.There is no quick fix to getting better  

2. It takes time to heal 

3. You have to focus on mind , supplements, lifestyle changes and food choices it all together.

Your no.1 tipp for ultimative health? You can't figure it out on your own. Make sure to ask for help!