Legendary Portrait Photographer, Author, Educator

This is a 2 part Episode, because Greg's career has so much we wanted to dive into.Don't forget to listen to an even more interesting and details part 2 in Episode 52. 

In today's Episode we're going to be taking a very inspirational dive into the world of Portrait Photography and I mean Portraits that have an immense impact, we’re also going to be asking what lighting gear do you ‘really’ need, how has the commercial photography world changed and what does it take to be successful and shoot over 70 Portraits for cover of Time Magazine in today's world! - These are just some of today's fun and interesting topics.

Welcome to Episode 51, and today we’re talking with the legendary and very humble NY based Photographer, author, educator and now professor Gregory Heisler, a man whose illustrious career has spanned over 35 years, in which time has seen him photograph luminaries ranging from Bill Clinton to Bruce Springsteen. He is renowned for his technical mastery and thoughtful responsiveness and to be honest I think we can say what Greg doesn’t know probably isn’t worth knowing. 

Greg is iconic in the portrait world and for good reason, he's certainly someone I looked up to throughout my career. A very humble and logical man with a great mind for a practical and creative approach.

And if you know Greg you’ll know that he looks damn good in a bow tie, I wonder how many he actually owns?

Web: https://gregoryheisler.com

Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gregory-Heisler-50-Portraits/dp/0823085651/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LCDQJJUIN1P7&dchild=1&keywords=gregory+heisler+50+portraits&qid=1627472701&sprefix=gregory+heisler%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-1

Canon: https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/explore/explorers-of-light/explorer-gregory-heisler

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