Episode 41 John Huet
One of the most acclaimed Sports Photographers of our age.

*Remember folks, this is a fantastic 2 part episode, so don’t forget to tune into part 2 which will be Episode 42. - Ah don’t we bring you the good stuff!

Welcome to Episode 41, today we’re going to talk with John Huet, one of the most acclaimed Sports & Action photographers of our age whose career has spanned over 30 years. 

Not one to be easily categorised, despite his reputation as one of the top sports photographers working today, John’s list of clients runs the gamut: Adidas, Bank of America, the Boston Ballet, Coca-Cola, Gillette, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Putnam Investments, Sports Illustrated, Time Magazine, and the U.S. Marines, to list just a few.. He’s published several books of his Olympic photographs, as well as a book of personal work called Soul of the Game.

In this episode, we’re going to talk about the business, how to do it, what’s changed, and what it takes to have a 30 year long career, oh yeah and we’re also going to try and figure out what makes John’s photographic mind tick...

John shares some interesting stories of how he’s travelled up through the ranks over the years, some of the different paths and Journeys he’s been on along the way and gives some insight of how to remain ‘Current’ in todays market.

He lets us know that when given a challenge by an editor he doesn’t like to say NO! and does everything he can to make it work, by the ridiculous deadline given.

We talk about a very interesting ‘Covid’ project where’s he managed to still get creative and shoot thousands of images…. even though eh doesn’t quite know what to do with them yet….

And of course, don’t forget the always fun ‘Rapid fire not so Rapid fire round’, but to listen to that you’ll have to tune in to part 2 which is Episode 42.. lol



Instagram: @johnhuet

Twitter: redcatpro

Linkedin: John Huet


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