Episode 28 Benjamin Von Wong Photographer, Activist, Visual engineer, Hyper realist story teller

This week we get deep, but very meaningful with the creative mind of Canadian Artist, Photographer, Activist, Visual engineer and surreal hyper realist story teller Benjamin Von Wong.

Ben is an amazing creative who’s journey has included creating mind blowing surreal images using fire & water to photographing underwater with sharks to very meaningful environmental art installations and images that certainly come with a BIG message about our planet.

Von Wong is known for his big impact super creative photoshoots and art installations, his behind the scenes images and videos share everything about his projects for all to see, and some of them are mind blowing. We learn that a lot of his early projects were all about creating the image and collaborating with like minded creatives, about his passion which shows in his continued commitment.

Wayne & Jake talk with Ben about how his path on creating art has changed and shifted parallels over the years. How his direction has changed considerably and where will his journey take him next.

We chat about some of his past creative projects which include amazing imagery where he photograph’s the staff of smugmug as super heroes on the edge of tall skyscrapers to creating “’The parting of the Plastic Sea” Strawpocalypse’ a ‘Guinness World Record’ environmental art piece using 168,000 used straws.

Ben’s creative mind is out of this world, his concepts are amazing and his skill to bring these projects and art installations together, using the help of volunteers, is unparalleled.

We could talked with Von Wong for hours, but as you know an episode can only be so long, that said we certainly look forward to catching up with Ben again in the future to see where his journey takes him next.

If you’re not familiar with Ben Von Wongs work then head over there now and be prepared to be enlightened.

- The Art: www.vonwong.com
- The Unforgettable Campaigns: www.unforgettablelabs.com
- The Gram: www.Instagram.com/vonwong/
- The Podcast: www.impacteverywhere.org
- The YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/TheVonWong/videos


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