Episode 26 COVID-19 Stay Creative and Create at Home


First off, we want to say among all the chaos we are all enduring at the moment with this terrible global pandemic, we hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Our thoughts and well wishes also go out to all those directly affected by the COVID-19 virus.


In this episode, Wayne & Jake we briefly touch on the impact Covid-19 has had on all of us, and how its affected our business as Photographers and creatives.


In these current times of ‘lock down’ where most of us are in the ‘Stay at Home’ situation how do we stay creative and what can we do from home to remain creative as well as to help us keep a healthy mind. We know as creatives we get quite twitchy when we can’t get our creative jig on.


Join us as we discuss some of the things we’ve been doing to keep our creative minds occupied, turning our ‘should do’s’ into ‘have done’s’ and our ‘I want to do’s’ into ‘I’m doing them’.


We talk some about some serious stuff, some business stuff and some fun stuff too….


I think we all need to do something to make us laugh during these times, and we all know laughter can certainly help lift the mood….


Have fun with this one and remember, STAY IN AND STAY SAFE! - Our thoughts go out to everyone and thanks for being staying tuned in to our podcast.


Remember, if have a question about anything Photography or Video/Cinema related, we’d love to hear them, you can send your questions to [email protected]

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