Episode 24 Archie Brooksbank Bladesman Productions


We speak with Archie Brooksbank the founder and owner of ‘Bladesman Productions’ based in London.

This is a 2 part episode with eh second part following in Episode 25, make sure you listen to both parts as we get a bit deeper in part 2 and also have a good giggle along the way.

Archie is an Multi Award winning Director self shooting Director, who’s produced some amazing Ad’s and commercial for clients like Aston Martin, Triumph, Tom Ford, BBC4, Estee Lauder, Rolls Royce McDonalds and more…

Archie is a very enthusiastic director and Camera Operator, who has built Bladesman Productions from the ground up to make it the success that it is today.

We ask Archie what has it taken to get his company to what it is today, how he’s done it and what he’s learnt along the way.

This is a fantastic little insight into Archie’s journey, with some fun and humour along the way….

He shows his ‘internal scarf collection’ and shares his Brian Johnson (From ACDC) impersonation, and tells us how Brian made Archie turn green while filming car show ‘Cars that Rock’.

Lots of insight here supported by Archie’s lively personality.

Make sure you tune in for part 2 where Wayne 7 Jake once again jump into the new feature in the show and play the new game  ‘Rapid Fire Round’ of 10 questions… lets see how he does on this one…


Instagram: @Bladesman_

Latest showreel: https://vimeo.com/377552015/f5f0baabc1



Remember, if have a question about anything Photography or Video/Cinema related, we’d love to hear them, you can send your questions to [email protected]

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