Aaron Nace or Phlearn as he's also known has been a Photography and Photoshop creator and educator for well over a decade... He's offers free tutorials on Youtube and has over 600 video's, more than 1.7 million subscribers and his audience has consumed over 500+ million minutes of video!!

He's always been known for his fun happy approach to his tutorials where he shares his amazing creative knowledge, especially in Photoshop.

Phlearn.com is his educational platform that has been running with huge success for over a decade.

Check out his 365 project, where he shot self portraits every single day for a whole year, and they're not just standard portraits either..it takes conceptual photography to another level.

We ask Aaron should all photographers learn how to retouch their own images, and should retouchers get more credit in the final image.

If you want to sign up to PHLEARN.COM and get into the Photography, Photoshop or Lightroom tutorials, Aaron has kindly given us a 20% discount code for all your listeners.
Discount code: PODLAMANIA20

Don't forget to give us a LIKE, COMMENT & Share on your chosen podcast player, it helps our rankings a lot and helps us grow and get noticed more.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phlearn/

Web: https://phlearn.com/

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/phlearn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Phlearn/

Photoshop Tutorials: https://phlearn.com/photoshop-tutorials/

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