Episode 010_ Jeff Allen_ The world of Panavision in the movies -


Listen to Wayne Johns & Jake Hicks as they get down and dirty with Jeff Allen, the MD Panavision Europe, in their UK HQ in London.


Panavision is a Motion Picture Equipment Company specialising in Cameras, Lenses, Lighting (Panalux), Grip, Remote Systems, and Filters (Lee Filters).


In this episode we dive into a world of TV and Film, but also how the industry has progressed and where its heading to, and how thats good news for creatives and film makers wanting to get into this industry with the increase in demand for skill teams.


We also talk Cameras and lenses, and how they play an important role in the look and feel of a production, and how lenses and sensor formats should be chosen to give you 'that look'. A good lesson for photographers here, to get over that biggest is best syndrome.


We talk about customising lenses, a service that Panavision offers,  to get that desired ‘look and feel’ to a motion picture, and how Panavision go about it by shifting the glass elements inside the lens, a kind of ‘tailored fitting service’ if you want to look at it like that.


Nice to hear that most DP’s choose their lenses, to get that desired look & feel’ first, over their choice of camera… We talk Hollywood, GOT Game of Thrones, Period Dramas, Netflix and more…

This is a 2 part episode again - so stay tuned for Part 2 in Episode 011 coming straight after this one.



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Web: https://uk.panavision.com/

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