In this episode of Podlamania your hosts Wayne Johns & Jake Hicks Talk to Indiana based Wedding & Portrait Photographer Bradley Michael who tries to explain to us how he shoots and edits his world of colour in Black & White due to being almost completely colour blind.

We try and get our heads around how Brad, translates how he sees colour before he presses that shutter button but then even more confusing for us is how he then applies that in his retouching stages, and gets his colours looking so nice..

As people that have always seen colour its really hard to get your head around not seeing it to understand where brads coming from. Its certainly given him some challenges and he finds ways around them.

It left us scratching our heads a little but we left holding the upmost respect for Brad to be able shoot and use colour in the beautiful the way that he does, what a man with an amazing set of skills and talent. 
Keep an ear out for Episode 007 - Where we speak to Female Beauty, Commercial, Editorial Photographer iulia David

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