Why is Phase One's 'Capture One Pro' RAW editing software so great! - and why do so many pros rely on it?

Here we talk to the Guru of all things Capture One Pro, Phase One' Educator, trainer and Youtube content creator David Grover. We dive deep into his wealth of knowledge to find out why its so damn good and why its the obvious choice over Lightroom.

We talk David about his time at Hasselblad, what he does at Phase One, how did he get so good with it, and the amazing training videos/tutorials he creates on Phase One's Youtube page, which are FREE for everyone to watch!

We know Capture one is good, so we ask David what Phase One do with it to make it so damn good and the benefits of it; we do put him on the spot with a little of the Capture One pro Vs Lightroom thing...vert interesting and some crazy tech geek info!

Does he still pick up a camera? - Let's find out...

Some great information in here, and interesting info for anyone in the photography world...

Instagram : @david.grover.c1

Web : https://learn.phaseone.com/capture-one/  (That’s 99% my content)

Youtube : youtube.com/c/CaptureOneProDK

FB: https://www.facebook.com/captureonepro/

Twitter : @captureonepro


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