Have you been to a real mastermind group?  You are surrounding yourself with people who are driven, committed, and resourceful.  Imagine how much positive effect you can have in that environment.

 This is called the “peer effect” and it can be a powerful tool for your practice if you use it right. You want to surround yourself with podiatrists who are doing well so that you can also succeed in your business.

It’s not always easy being a podiatrist in today’s society.  There are so many factors that can make or break your practice success – like competition, social media, and technology.  But there is one thing that you can take ownership of and change – the people around you!  Whether they be colleagues, patients, or friends); their thinking processes, achievement, and actions have an effect on your own life as a podiatrist. So how do we deal with them?  Tune in to find out!

More resources?


Download FREE PDF Guide, "3 Ways To Increase Your Practice Profits Without Seeing More Patient"



Get Your Free Copy of my book, "OPT-OUT" to grow your podiatry practice.  You just cover the shipping:



Do you want to build your dream private practice without the hassles of insurance networks?  Then schedule a FREE 45-min Strategy Session with me?  We will dive to look at your current practice and I will provide you a crystal game plan for you:
