You have a private practice  already or planning on creating one?

Do you love your practice?  You can't wait till tomorrow morning so you can go to your practice and serve patients?

Or...  you wish you can run away from the current private practice as far as possible?

If you want to create a lean and mean private practice that generates profits without working harder, listen in what Dr. TJ Ahn has to say in this episode.

You will discover:

How to create a lean and mean private practice

Know your personality.Know your lifestyle you want.Do you want to develop a volume-based or a high-ticket quality-based?Are you surgical or non-surgical, or both?Systemization

He will dive in deeper on each of these 5 categories in this episode.

You may find this episode very intriguing if you are currently burnt out or struggling in your practice.

Oh, please don't forget to give thumbs up and subscribe to get updates to the future episodes!!

More resources?


Download FREE PDF Guide, "3 Ways To Increase Your Practice Profits Without Seeing More Patient"


Get Your Free Copy of my book, "OPT-OUT" to grow your podiatry practice.  You just cover the shipping:


Do you want to build your dream private practice without the hassles of insurance networks?  Then schedule a FREE 45-min Strategy Session with me?  We will dive to look at your current practice and I will provide you a crystal game plan for you:
