PodStudy's will feature individual episodes of a podcast recommended by Stacey, AJ, or Chris. Up first, The Mindful Educators.

The brainchild of Stacey Lindes, our PodcastPD PodStudy’s will feature individual episodes of a podcast recommended by Stacey, AJ, or Chris. That episode will be released here for you to listen to.

We hope you will listen to the episode and join us for a conversation about the chosen episode on our next regular episode of PodcastPD as well as on Twitter, Instagram, and Voxer.

Featured Content

PodStudy 2021 #1 features The Mindful Educators, Erin and Dave Tashian. Stacey has selected their very first episode, How Did We Get Here.

From The Mindful Educators, “Teaching has changed, kids have changed, the demands have changed and as educators, we are trying to find our way through it! In our very first episode, we take you through the backstory in our becoming more mindful educators and our intention for creating the podcast. We offer insight into the changes in education today and the shift we think most educators are feeling. In an effort to manage the stress that teaching brings, we share our own ideas and definitions of mindfulness and offer 3 easy ways to add more mindfulness to your classroom and school experience. Lastly, in our own version of Show and Tell, check out the end of our podcast where we share with our audience what we are into or what we have recently learned. Please listen in and join us in creating a community of mindful educators one classroom at a time!”

After listening to this join us on Sunday, January 24, 2021, @ 8:30 PM EST to discuss this podcast episode. Click here to join us.


Comment on the show notes below
Email [email protected]

Stacey Lindes

AJ Bianco

Website: reflectedpodcast.com

Christopher J. Nesi

Website: chrisnesi.com


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