In this podcast I switch seats and Rob who is on the cusp of starting his own podcast asks me a few questions to get him through his last barriers.

In episode 10 of our podcast, we are doing something different. I am playing the guest, but that’s not what this is really about.

Letting Podcasters Test the Waters

I was on the team of organizers for WordCamp Seattle, a WordPress-centric conference, and volunteered to create a podcasting corner. Well, one thing led to another, and we opened it up to people considering jumping into the podcasting waters as well as those who had already started, but were finding just a few barriers holding them back.

Rob Taylor, from 2TravelDads attended my WordCamp session on podcasting and had some more questions. His blog has hundreds of posts. He has traffic. And he has a few episodes ready to put out. But there were some small barriers holding him up.

So, I thought, why not make a podcast out of it? Listen in as Rob and I talk about the process of developing a content or business plan for producing your podcasting episodes. 

We don’t cover the entire gamut of what goes behind this, but I share some tips with Rob here to help him continue on his podcasting journey. 

Tips I Shared with Rob

Start publishing those podcasts. Don’t worry about the numbers; they will grow organically.

I might be coming to your site already, I’m reading your posts and think, cool, there’s a podcast now and I’m into podcasts. I like reading your stuff because it’s but I really the podcasting format so I’m going to shift over here and started checking it out.

Am I going to handle all this myself or am I going to outsource it? Am I going to outsource the editing or am I a perfectionist, or do I love editing part of it? You got to build that in. I mean there’s no way around it and you’re going to edit as much as you want or need to edit.

Whenever I go in to a post, I set aside five minutes, maybe two minutes, maybe just a minute, and I think, what have I written lately that might connect to this post? I remember this podcast. I’m going to add the link with some context where it flows naturally, and that adds value to the podcast and post.

Writing and podcasting about the same topic isn’t creating duplicate content. You will discover you write much differently than you talk. The text may be more technical and the podcast may be more story-driven.

I look at my Google analytics. I might see other content growing and maybe the podcast numbers aren’t growing, but it might have happened when I added the podcast. So I’m seeing some different kind of growth. It’s not always just listens, it’s how your entire message is getting out there.

Make sure that you visit Rob’s site at 2TravelDads and look for his upcoming podcast.