Listen in as we hear what why Kyle took the medium and started a family-only podcast and what he has learned from his interviews.

In episode 9 of our podcast, I am chatting with fellow podcaster Kyle Maurer. Kyle co-hosts the Get Options Podcast and works on several WordPress plugins at Sandhills Development.

We chat about:

Kyle’s history in podcastingWhy he started it and decided to make it in podcast formWhat the reaction has been from his family.Some special moments during the course of his interviews Whether this is an ongoing projectWhat Kyle’s top tip is for someone starting a podcast

A Family Podcast and the Art of the Interview

There is nothing better than to hear how and why someone gets into podcasting. Even more so, how podcasters are taking this medium and creating unique projects for themselves. 

Kyle has started a family podcast. Not only do we learn about this fascinating approach, but it also teaches us a lot about the art of interviewing in a podcast. It’s interesting how this show blended into both Kyle sharing why this is such an important project to him and his family reacting to being on a private, yet powerful podcast.

This isn’t just about creating personal podcasts. Our conversation takes us deeper into the interview process and what we feel makes this approach successful.

This podcast is full of emotions and humor, so listen in as we hear a story you won’t want to miss.

Bits and Pieces from Kyle’s Story

Some podcasting history

I was destined to get into podcasting though I didn’t really know it. I suffer from microphone addiction. I’ve always been into anything that involved a microphone. Anytime I was handed one for any reason, I came alive and felt so excited.

I consider blogging to be valuable. But blogging is work. Podcasting to me is play. It’s fun. Like I can’t wait to do it.

There was certainly a variety of shows where you could hear interesting stories, you could learn valuable knowledge about how to use this software and what successful businesses are doing. Great interview guests, interview shows, and then, a dozen imitators of each good one. We thought, if there’s anything missing, maybe it’s a little bit of levity. So we brought our brand of sarcasm and creativity and all of the joke rap songs that we liked to write about WordPress topics and turned that into a podcast called Get Options.

The art of interviewing

I’ve come to appreciate what goes into a great interview and definitely not claiming to be someone who conducts great interviews, but just learning about the craft and appreciating how amazing it can be to put a great interview together.

I’ve also been reflecting on the fact that some interviews are fascinating, but they do not reflect normal life, the questions that never ever come up in real life. They truly only exist in the context of the guest and host interview or perhaps sometimes in therapy sessions I suppose, but most people go their entire lives without ever once being asked. What was that like for you going through all of that or what did you hope the outcome would be during that pivotal moment in your life?

Having questions in advance is outstanding. Having an engaging host who is interested in the topic and can work with me along the way and understand what I know go hand in hand in this conversation. It is the recipe for success.

The family and interviewing

I’ve been thinking about how many great stories are never told because people don’t get a chance to tell them. I’m watching my family grow older and wishing to connect with them more. So one day I just decided to begin producing a private show where I interview every important person in my life, one at a time, with the goal being to learn their stories straight from the source. And I want to keep these stories around for future generations.

It has been the exact same story every time. Whoever I ask, they say, great idea. Go interview everyone except me. Under no circumstances will you get me to talk into a microphone. I am the only person in my family who enjoys that. Well, I can be persuasive when I want to be. I eventually get people to participate. They all enjoy the experience and end up helping me persuade everyone else to give it a try. And I think there’s something almost intoxicating about it. There’s something special about having someone ask you these questions, which are just about you, the topic you know best.

We all have things that are in our domain and being interviewed can be stressful. But I think for most people, even when people who are uncomfortable being put in the spotlight, it’s comfortable if it’s their topic. If it’s something they know very, very well.

The special moments

I have a couple of grandfathers and they’re very different. One of them immigrated when he was in his twenties from Ireland to America and he had a wild roller coaster of a life and another served in the war overseas. They both had rich, complicated lives. Both told me crazy stories that I’d never heard before about their past. Really, really wild things I just had no idea even happened. And both of them unexpectedly broke down when talking about their children. It’s been emotional and very moving.

There’s so much to be learned. I also really appreciate in this the opportunity to gather different perspectives about the same experiences because it’s not just any person, it’s the people in my family and we have a shared thread. And so if I interview a sibling, we grew up in the same household, but we don’t look back on our past the same way. All those pivotal moments that we shared were very different for both of us or each of us. They were very different for my parents than they were for me. And they were for my younger siblings. Even though we were both present in the same space, and unpacking those moments and learning these perspectives of the other important people in our life is truly fascinating to me. It’s eye-opening.

The longevity of the personal project

I don’t exactly know how long that my life will be this way and if it will fit and make sense for me. But right now I’m doing it and that’s what matters. I think I have some minimum goals. I want to get more interviews, a bunch more conducted this year.

I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s there. I have a big family. I could be doing this for years if I wanted to and, and maybe I will because I get so much out of it. But I think what I’m gonna do is start with finishing up the rest of this year, get as much of my family as I can really sit down next year and see what the rest of my family thinks, see how people enjoy it and see whether I’m still getting a lot out of it.

A tip for new podcasters

Do this for you, for yourself. The only reason I do it is because it’s fun for me. I like it. I get a lot out of it. I enjoy it. I look forward to doing it. Your listeners are going to read lots of blog posts with good advice and hear other podcasts with wise people telling you what’s working for them and you’ll attend conference talks and learn about the tactics that have been highly effective these days for other entrepreneurs. You hear what those people are doing and you’re going to think, Oh, okay, now I should just do that. Throw that advice in the trash. I think you need to do what you are into.

Where to find Kyle

Get Options Podcast

Get Options on Twitter @get_options

Sandhills Development

Kyle on Twitter @MrKyleMaurer

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